
Insta gram moon

I have been thinking about this word; acknowledgement and how it is such a big word that is seemingly used so sparingly.  

When you first hear acknowledgement, what do think of first?  Acknowledging someone for a job well done or acknowledging someone in line with you with a head nod?  These of course count, but really when you think of it, acknowledgement is much bigger than that. 

Like in a previous post:  That’s what I said; keep your thoughts positive I talked about that incessant child you hear in a store saying “mom. mom. mom.” over and over till finally the mother will say what?! And the child, responds with either I forgot, or I love you.  When (in most cases) all they really want is to be acknowledged.  Really don’t we all?  No one really wants to be invisable…at least not all the time.  There is an innate drive in nearly all of us to be appreciated and at least acknowledged for who we are and what we do.  It does not need to be an award or public announcement, nothing grandiose or pretentious.  What we are looking for is honest true acknowledgement.

That’s one way of looking at acknowledgment… from outside ourselves.  How about self acknowledgement?  Are you good at acknowledging self? How about spirit?

Let’s look at it from this way.  As you begin to awaken your spirit, yourself, your soul, are you acknowledging these new aspects of self, of who you are completely?  Or do you only acknowledge your physical self?  In many of the classes I have taught students will say that once they opened themselves up they could not shut it off.  They complained of being knocked off guard and inundated with “intrusions”.  These intrusions could be classified as signs, hearing messages, feeling others energy as well as taking that energy on as their own.  It could be also as big as those out there that are finding that they have a connection with the crossed over (mediums).  I myself have only had two distinct experiences with this personally and it is not one of my featured abilities.  Featured…Ha!  that sounds funny, but…it fits.  However; what I have noticed with these students are that, even though they  have tapped into their spirit and are open to this new higher vibration, their boundaries have fallen by the wayside.When this happens this communication can feel like an intrusion.  So, what do we do with these intrusions, we start to ignore them, and get frustrated. 

What I mean by this is it is all about balance.  Spirit is so excited when they can communicate with us, that they want to communicate all the time, and don’t always understand how this is not possible. for them (us) it is the ultimate reward to have the realms open.  What we need to learn to do (and practice) is set up some boundaries and guidelines.  I am giving you a list of course this list is outlined in the most basic of form (I detail it more in classes) but hopefully it is something to get you started with.  Try practicing it daily but at least once or twice a week. See if it makes a difference.  If you are able to do it daily you will feel the return/benefits that much faster. Everything is about practice.

  1. Run your energy regularly
  2. Set your boundaries (energetically) a space that is just for you…around you.
  3. Set aside specific times to work on connecting and listening to the messages you receive
  4. Acknowledge

Running your energy is the first step!  It helps you stay grounded and clean of other people’s energies. It sets the stage for you personal space and helps in setting your boundaries.

Boundaries…this is easier to discuss in a class room where we can do some guided meditation and walk you through the process… but, think of it as surrounding yourself with light.  You can pick the color of light that means what ever it is you would like your boundaries to invoke or put out to others as well as yourself.  you can also layer your boundaries so you have the closest to you for you only and the outer layer for those you encounter.

Setting aside time.  This really is key. It helps put you in charge of your gift.  Most of us have day jobs and active earthly lives that mean we have to be present for ourself and others.  By setting “time” aside we let spirit know that we want to communicate but not while running a fork lift or driving in traffic.

Back to the key word of the blog today Acknowledgement.  Often like the child hanging on the parents leg…spitit just wants to be acknowledged.  Ignoring them will only make them try harder.  They begin to wonder if you can still hear them, and get louder or more incessant.  That is why three and four go so well together.  By giving them the times that you are “on call” they will become more and more patient therein giving you more control over your own life.

Wow… that is such a condensed version… I hope it makes a little sense.  Pretty much anything we ignore gets bigger and bigger and if you look at it from the viewpoint of love and universal acceptance we all just want to be acknowledged.

Well, that is all for now.  Have a great Tuesday!! 


6 thoughts on “acknowledgement

  1. Pingback: Favorite Person Award | Journey of a Creative Playful Explorer

  2. This is great and yes, condensed but still so good. I think #2 Boundaries may be the most important. A couple of times I’ve let mine drop, having been drawn into spirit by the intensity and excitement of connecting…and sometimes you pay the price. Moodiness, feeling down, lack of energy if spirit is driving itself (and you) in that manner.

    And then, as you say, regular practice is the key that makes it all work.
    Thanks for a great post.

      • I agree with Dean…Great Post and yes, boundaries are key. I never looked at acknowledgement quite like this. I always offer acknowledgement to others because I like to make people feel at ease and a little kindness in noticing another goes a long way. However it is always harder to acknowledge ourselves.

        Maybe we all need to acknowledge that it’s time to take personal responsibility for creating the lives we desire and that we can do this simply by following the great tips you’ve given us here. We just have to honor our boundaries, check in with our spirits, see who is in the driver’s seat, and change up crews if we don’t like what we find.

        THANKS!!! I found this very helpful!


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