The motion of moving forward instead of backwards.


I was thinking about progress. The motion of moving forward instead of backwards. You know, that moment in time, when you are standing at the edge of a cliff with no path in sight. Sure you could turn around and go back the way you came… but why? Why move forward to only go back?

It is easy to talk about how one should trust, have faith, and courage… but when it’s your turn…and your standing there… with your feet on the edge, well… it can feel next to impossible.

What I am realizing though is that moments like this are beautiful. They are rare and to be treasured…savored and embraced. Stand there…appreciate and process where you have arrived. Acknowledge what you have gone through to get there. Celebrate your journey. When we take the time and appreciate all that we have been through to get to this particular place we begin to feel the excitement of what is next to come. This reflection allows us to value and validate the pain we encountered along the way…it lets us know it had a purpose.

No one ever said you couldn’t just stand there and ponder a while. Processing the journey gives us added courage and faith to take that next unchartered step. That “leap of faith” that so many speak of so flippantly.

I am finding (as I stand here…at the edge of my path) that the current cycle of time we are in is all about momentum… thrusting us forward with the slightest bit of motion. I would like to think that come the month of May things will slow down a bit…but I am convinced that we are in some kind of time warp. 2013 is proving to be about motion…movement. It is as though as soon as you think you have a plan and something figured out…some one picks up the snow globe and shake the hell out of it!

We are being tested and taught to actually go with the flow. To set a plan, set into motion and then be willing or able to see the change needed, and react. We are being challenged to think on our feet and trust our gut. Our intuition has been speaking to us for years… and for the most part we have been listening. We have taken a very slow and methodical approach to our intuition. Now it feels as though my reflexes are being tested. Like the giant game of whack a mole. I need to be alert and able to listen to my intuition and react.

The thing is with all this movement doesn’t mean we are not completing anything and just changing directions or our minds, mind you. What is happening is with the momentum that is behind our intentions right now we are creating nearly as fast as we are intending. So it is more of a process of Think – Act – Complete, 1-2-3 Done.

Keeping in the forefront of our minds that what we are thinking we are starting to create even before we start the physical process of creating or acting it out. Many times by the time we think we are starting something we thought about, it is really already nearing completion and we are not necessary ready or prepared for it.

basically this blog post is about remembering to be in the moment. Fear not the direction you are going. Trust your intuition, and yourself. Take those leaps of faith…for this year there will be many of them along our paths.

As I am writing this blog, I keep hearing the song that Kris Kringle sang to Winter in the 1970’s Holiday special “When Santa Clause Comes To Town” In the song even though they are talking about changing from “good to bad” I think it really fits, for it is about believing in ones self. Taking that leap of faith that anything is possible, with the right mindset.

[Speech from the special]
Winter: I really am a mean, and despicable creature at heart you know. It’s difficult to [sniff] really change.
Kris: Difficult? [chuckles] Why, why look here, changing from bad to good is as easy as taking your first step.

Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking ‘cross the floor.
You put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking out the door.

You never will get where you’re going
If ya never get up on your feet.
Come on, there’s a good tail wind blowin’
A fast walking man is hard to beat.


If you want to change your direction,
If your time of life is at hand,
Well, don’t be the rule, be the exception
A good way to start is to stand.


Winter: If I want to change the reflection
I see in the mirror each morn…
Kris: Oh, you do.
Winter: You mean that it’s just my election?
Kris: Just that.
Winter: To vote for a chance to be reformed? Woo-hoo!

[Chorus 2x]


Why I write…Sharing a writing contest , check it out.

What: In your best, most succinct writing – and in 100 words or less – tell us why you write. Dig deep. Why do you continue to put pen to page and what mark, through your craft, do you hope to make on the world?


When: You have until 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday, April 26 to enter.

The Prize: Winner will receive one Moleskine Classic Extra Large Soft Cover ruled notebook (7.5 x 10). Picture above.

Click the link to go to the contest. GOOD LUCK!
I found that it was a really good lead in question…why do I write? Why do you write?? Here is my submission, I hope you enjoy.

Why I write…

I write to tell a story, my story. Writing allows me to make sense of the thoughts and words that dance relentlessly in my head. To show how putting one feeling to paper can take an army of words to express. I write to inspire thought. In writing I wear no masks, I am exposed. With my words I can only hope to awaken the desire of others to look within. My dream is to provide an environment that allows us to slow down and realize we’re not alone. I am a narrator and my story is my life.

Acceptance is key…


I spent the weekend pondering on what topic to write about. I kept picking up my computer and then just putting it down. I ask for guidance and the word that kept popping up in my head was “Acceptance”.
Michelle and I filmed Video 4 in our Clairvoyant Living Series this weekend (watch for the post) and while we were preparing to film, we started talking and lo and behold the discussion of acceptance came up, there too.

Now acceptance is a really big word. When you hear the word what do you think of?

Do you think of accepting others, acceptance of gifts, compliments and possibly acceptance of another’s point of view. How many think of you think of it, in relation to ones self???

Let me start at the beginning…
For many of us our collective purpose is that of growth and healing. We seek guidance and advice, spend much of our life contemplating what we learn and reveal about ourselves. All this in the search for enlightenment. We see our faults and set out to change or correct them. We become focused on becoming a “better” person. We embark on a journey of change and dissection.

We dissect our personalities, categorizing our faults and our attributes into sections to be evaluated. Many times we will see areas that need to be enhances, supported or tamed down. Sometimes we even find things we don’t want to find. These things, these character flaws or errors of omissions we try to look over and not shed any real light on, are there. We think we should fix them…find out why we do what we do, why they are there. We try to unearth the wrong in our life that created this bleep in our path. We struggle with the dark that we find and try to overcompensate with extra good.

All this is part of the process that each one us encounter along our path of personal growth…or personal enlightenment. Many will spend their entire life trying to correct or fix things that they uncover that they feel do not meet the criteria of being the person they think they should be.

So…acceptance…where am I going with this? There comes a point in all of our lives that we need to stop what we are doing and accept who we are. All of who we are. Accept the beauty that is you.
Acceptance does not mean we are no longer working on improvement… rather it allows us the permission to be who we are. When we can love the person we are today in this very moment, this moment is the moment that true change and growth can actual begin to happen. Accepting ourselves our beauty, our faults, this is the biggest step forward we can ever take.

When we stop comparing ourselves to someone else or some other ideal and accept who we are and where we have been, then we can really look at the things we have not liked to look at. Look at them with a clearer view of what those attributes and traits were put into place for. Were they for survival? Wer they for defense, was put into place to prevent us from making a mistake we made once before in our past (current or past life)? We cannot change what was or has already been done…we can however look at the situation or experiences for what they were, the purpose… and know that this trait or attribute no longer serves us. We can then accept the past for what it was… knowing full well that it has helped to create the person you are today. Move forward with love and acceptance of yourself, this will enable you to let go of that which no longer fits your plan or your path. Sometimes experience is the best lesson in life…we learn from that which we personally experience and walk through. The key is knowing when and what you can let go of and leave behind you going forward.

Acceptance…is the key to love…unconditional love. To have it and to give it you must take the first step in accepting yourself.

Happy Monday.


Sometimes things are not quite what they seem.

It's Spring...Right?

It’s Spring…Right?

Lately, I have been pretty busy and excited keeping current on Facebook, LinkedIn, my blog, creating web videos and developing my new website! Not to mention taking care of my husband and daughter while they recuperate from some recent surgeries. I think sometimes I take the phrase go big or go home a little too seriously! HA! Never one to do one thing at a time…nope, not I, ANY way…

On top of all that I decided to really put myself out there and start advertising the readings I offer. I created a simple little ad and started running a campaign on Facebook.

I have been happy with the results and have really looked forward to the responses I have got. So, you may be wondering what is this blog about? No…it’s not a blog ad about the readings I offer.

You could say it’s about ethics, opposition, rejection, conflict and confrontation.

You see, I received a Facebook email the other day (which I thought was going to be a request for a reading) that put some things into perspective for me. It basically ended up being a hate email. Someone lashed out at me (let me clarify that this someone does not know me, or ever had any interaction with me). This person made allegation towards me after only…seeing my ad.

He started out by asking me to remove the photo I posted. This is the actual ad I ran. 602200_171620846325281_298425903_n

He told me “something about this photo bothers me. Could you please remove it”.

I was confused and quite frankly a tad taken back. I responded politely and told him it was my daughters eye, I found it quite beautiful and I was very sorry it bothered him. I told him my ad would be done by the end of the month and he should never have to see it again.

He responded with another email. This was the one that hurt. Basically, this is what he said to me:

Your picture isn’t what is disturbing, the fact that you take money from distressed people claiming to be a “clairvoyant” is what is pathetic. If I see your ad again, you’ll be reported to Facebook for violation of their TOS.

Honestly…I was instantaneously hurt…and angry… embarrassed, and then… finally, I felt bad for him. This is one of those events that I think many Clairvoyants, Psychics and Mediums fear. Ridicule and humiliation.
For me personally, what he claimed I was, went against everything I believe and personally feel I represent. My main focus is on educating others and teaching them to understand what it means to be and live a clairvoyant life. I try to demystify what is stereotypically seen as someone who is a Clairvoyant, Psychic or a Medium.

It has taken me a long time to (as I have joked) come out of the clairvoyant closet, and honestly a year ago, had this have happened, I would have ran back in and locked the proverbial clairvoyant closet door. I would have then lashed out at him or hid.

But…what I eventually realized (after really processing the email) was that this was not just an anti clairvoyant email, it was a personal test. I believe in what I do and what I try to teach others. I have realized that when someone criticizes us many times we will become defensive and aggressive. This reaction often happens because the criticism we have received is a personal criticism that we carry ourselves. It is that feeling of doubt that lurks in our subconscious telling us that we are not what we say we are. I realized within minutes…no…moments of reading that email I have no longer have those doubts! I passed the test. I also realized this would not be the first naysayer, and I am ok with that.

After I ran through all my personal emotions from the attack, I felt bad for this man. Obviously he personally (or maybe someone close to him) has had a negative experience with a Clairvoyant or psychic. That or possibly he doesn’t really understand, what it is I do. I wish I could say that it was all him and his ignorance or fear…but I can’t.

What I would like to discuss is the importance of Ethic’s. Like any profession, we (clairvoyants, Psychic’s and Mediums) should be working from a code of ethics. Unfortunately, there are many Clairvoyants ,psychic’s and Mediums out there that may not truly have your best interest at heart, just like there are many people in general (out there in the big world) that do not have your best interest at heart. To me a good Clairvoyant, Psychic or Medium does, it is the nature of the job! Some that are unethical are not reading from the highest of vibrations. You need to remember to always go with your gut…your intuition. If something doesn’t make sense or sound right to you, leave.

This brings me to the discussion of learning or “dabbling” in many areas of spirit without knowing what you are really doing. I don’t mean to say you have to understand it all and have it all figured out…on the contrary! It is meant to be a learning experience. The point I am trying to make is that…YOU hold the key. You can ask someone to tell you what they see, but ultimately you have control, or at least you should. True healing and growths comes with accountability, we are all personally accountable of our actions.

As you begin to look within you start a process, a process of self-reflection, growth and knowledge. You begin the path of taking ownership of where you are and where you are going. We should never rely solely on someone else’s information. Their purpose (my) purpose is to help show what you already know on another level. To help you become aware of the messages you are receiving and to let you know that you are not alone. My job is to help thin the veil between the earth and spirit, that years of programming and conditioning has put into place. Help you in awakening your spirit and the messages from your higher self.

When any of us start learning and opening our minds the next crucial step is looking within, and understanding ourselves (or at least how the information we receive affects us) before we start going out and advising others. I don’t mean we have to have ourselves all figured out, what I do mean is that we must understand how symbolism works for us…what to look at, why we may see things that we see. The most important thing to learn is…we all can see. What we need to understand however; is what you see today could change by tomorrow. We are a constant work in progress and what is right today could be left tomorrow…things change, we change. The destination of our path may stay the same, but how we get there will change many times along the way.

Back to ethics… When we don’t have an understanding, or maybe we do have an understanding and choose to use what we have developed for our gain and not for the purpose of helping someone else see the answers for themselves…you have someone who is operating from ego and a lower vibration for financial gain alone. It’s frustrating. Frustrating for the majority of us out there that are operating from our hearts.

I am not mad at this man…
I am actually thankful. So often we get comfortable in our environments, we surround ourselves with like-minded people to point of forgetting the majority.

He brings to the surface the amount of work that still needs to be done. His words remind me that my focus needs to be on educating the masses and raising the vibration of the collective. On a personal note he has highlighted within me my own personal growth and the belief I have in myself that I have cultivated over the last few years, for this I thank him. I wish him and others like him, nothing but the best.

Lead with your heart, let love and light dictate what you give to others as well as yourself.


Sometimes I wonder who I am… and then I have the craziest dream…


Sometimes I wonder where I am…Who I am…Do I fit in…

The truth is the only question that matters is “who am I” the others don’t matter. The others just cause us sadness when we dwell or try to fit in. The strength needed for us to realize that all we need is to be who we were meant to be, is enormous for most.

So often we spend such a large part, if not our whole life worrying about trying to fit in that we forget to live and be who we are or were meant to be. I keep getting the message that it is time to stop conforming to a mold that is outdated. We need to refocus our intentions to living our life, not narrating it or analysing it…living it.

Make the necessary changes needed to open yourself up. I have been periodically listening to YouTube videos on Abraham Hicks… I am really loving the message. The are so…simple. yet we so often over look or miss them. This is one I listened to today.

I woke up this morning not wanting to really get up (this happens most days LOL! ) today it was for a different reason. I was having the most peculiar dream. I got up and dismissed it… went about my day feeling slightly off. Being extra aware of not really “fitting” in, yes…we all feel this way at times. But as the day progressed and after listening to the Abraham Hicks video, I was at lunch talking to a friend when my dream hit me again.

I realized I needed to take a longer look at it. This is what I dreamt last night.
I had the most interesting dream last night.

I dreamt I was riding this horse through the woods…up and down a mountainous terrain. It was beautiful yet there was a reason for the ride. It felt like a hunt.
I had others with me, and I recall talking with them but I do not remember what was said. We agreed on something, then I dug my heels into my horse (so I thought it was a horse) and took off in a direction on my own. I remember getting tired of the journey and resting my head on my horses main (again…so I thought). this is when I noticed that the main was not like that of a normal horse. It was soft and fur like, fluffy and so very comfortable. My hands sunk into the sandy colored mounds of fluffy fur. I then, opened my eyes and saw that I was not holding on or riding what I thought to be a giant magnificent horse, but a mighty lion. Larger than any lion I had ever seen before.
I found my self extremely comforted, not at all afraid as one might think you would be on the back of a mighty lion. I dug my hands and arms in deeper and rested my head in his main. I felt comfortable, and deeply tired. It felt safe. I remember riding off…seeing myself holding on to this beautiful majestic creature,my larger than life lion…confidently and full of love. We belonged together.

This was my dream…


All afternoon I kept thinking about this dream…this lion, and how comfortable I felt. I went on a mission of needing to know what it meant. I began looking up dream symbolism and found many things that really seemed to make sense… I was actually surprised to have found something that actually said ” To ride one, denotes courage and persistency in surmounting difficulties” this seemed to really click. I kept searching… I went to one of my favorite sites Whats your Sign and found this.

When the lion comes to us it is a sign for us to step into our natural birthright of power. Each of us is born powerful and divine. The lion reminds us of this.

Other messages the lion shares with us:

  • Hold your head high – even in times of conflict – conduct yourself with dignity
  • Stand tall, remember your birthright of power
  • Perhaps it’s time to show your authority (not in a dominating way) but lead others with a loving heart
  • It may be time to defend something that is dear to your heart – defend it fiercely if you must.
  • Have courage, have faith.

While I kept searching for the answer to my dream I knew inside that the real answer always lies within us. I chuckled at myself and decided to break my dream down. It began to make som much sense. So to save you the time I ran myself through… I thought I would share the steps that I (eventually) run myself through that REALLY always helps me understand its meaning.

To really figure out your dream try following these simple steps:

  1. To start…write it out. Jot down as much detail as you can.
  2. Now begin to disect it if you remember enough of it, in halve, thirds fourths…what ever you need based on its legnth.
  3. Ask yourself how you felt about an event, or encounter.
  4. What reaction does it invoke with in you?
  5. Does it prompt you to think of something else in your life unrelated to the dream?
  6. Who or what does it remind you of.
  7. If none of these help… try explaining your dream out loud to someone (who will listen) and explain it to them as if they were an alien from another planet and you had to really explain in detatil the simplist things in the dream. This will sometimes help to break down the drama or wow factor of the dream and help you see it from a very basic perspective.
  8. Then as I did…you can look it up on the internet and see what you find (you would be amazed at what is out there) the thing is with the internet…like I said earlier. Your dreams are just that…yours. Your symbolism is not going to be the same and mine or your neighbors or even your best friends. We are all unique in that we carry attachments to many things in many different ways.

The big message here is our dreams carry custamized messages big, small and everything inbetween for us to learn from or be reminded of. Even when they seem to make no sense at all there is something to it. It is not just the stuff you ate before bed! Learning how to decode your own symbolism is the best way to figure out your message.

So tap in… keep a dream log. Listen and see what you learn. Just maybe you will be awaken to the you, you left behind. The person that you have been trying to make fit in.

When you close your eyes tonight… ask for a message, an answer… see what you get. Remember, it takes practice for some to get back in touch with our subconscious…

The fool….

the foolToday I long to be the fool…

April 1st, known as April fools day or All fools day.

I feel that for the most of my life I have tried to stay away from being the fool or being considered the fool.  Just the word “fool” seemed to hold such negative connotations for me.  After looking at what my perception of the “fool” has been growing up and then now looking at the purpose and meaning of the “fool’ in the tarot my opinion has greatly shifted.  Let me share with you what would be known as the traditional meaning of the word fool, as well as it’s meaning and representation in my favorite Tarot deck Shadowscapes.   

To begin I will once again reference the good old Merriam Webster dictionary…



Definition of FOOL

1)  a person lacking in judgment or prudence
2)  a : a retainer formerly kept in great households to provide casual entertainment and commonly dressed in motley  with cap, bells, and bauble
     b : one who is victimized or made to appear foolish
3)   a : a harmlessly deranged person or one lacking in common powers of understanding
      b : one with a marked propensity or fondness for something <a dancing fool> <a fool for candy>
4) a cold dessert of pureed fruit mixed with whipped cream or custard
Examples of FOOL

  1. those fools who ride motorcycles without wearing helmets
  2. Only a fool would ask such a silly question.
  3. You’d be a fool to believe what he tells you.
  4. You’re making yourself look like a fool.

To start off I like the thought of being one that is lacking in judgement or prudence.  Doesn’t say I have none… just lacking and I think we could all do a little better with removing “Certain” judgemental behaviors (I will keep the good ones like discernment). The rest of them sound created out of fear.  Fear of seeing someone doing something that seems to them as making no sense.  The label of fool easily becomes negative,  since no one wants to be labeled a victim.  The words common powers of understanding screams someone who is thinking outside the norm! And then they throw in examples like…a dancing fool…what is wrong with dancing?  Lets just cut through the PC tape and say what we mean Merriam Webster… A fool is someone who we (the collective) are confused by.  They do not follow the common train of thought.  They are wildly unpredictable and seem to really enjoy being their own person.  We are afraid of the lack of control the fool seems to exhibit.  The fool does not fear the unknown…he does not fear anything.

Now…here is the Shadowscape definition of the Fool in the Tarot deck.

Meaning: The Fool is a symbol for new beginnings and adventures, pleasure, passion, thoughtless and rash. Like the Fool, you may stand upon the precipice gazing out into the unknown; and there is either an oblivious foolishness to the terrible plunge you may experience, or else a wild spirit of adventure and great faith and knowledge in that which can and will bear you up and guide through the times to come. There are unlimited possibilities opening up for the seeker.

I long to be the fool….

To take that infamous step and have faith that all is right.  Today I am going to channel my inner fool.  We all have one in there!  In honor of All fools day I will be but a fool, even if it is for one day.  One day may lead to two… three.  Today I will remove the layers of programing (or at least attempt to let them fall) I will let my heart and my spirit lead me throughout the day. 

I do find it interesting that the Fool (all fools day) occurs during the Aries sun sign.  Both represent the beginning… All beginnings require faith and trust…to be the first there has to be some sense of wild adventure and belief in the universe as well as oneself and a higher power. 

Happy April fools day… embrace your inner child today, you know the one that allows you to be fool hearty and fearless!


Judgement- who really wants to be seen as judgemental?

Michelangelo - Fresco of the Last Judgement

Michelangelo – Fresco of the Last Judgement

How many of you feel that this word should be bolded and in all caps!? JUDGEMENT….

How do you define JUDGMENT Here is Merriam Websters attempt.

1) a : a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion
b : an opinion so pronounced
2) a : a formal decision given by a court
b (1) : an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court
(2) : a certificate evidencing such a decree
3) a: capitalized : the final judging of humankind by God
b : a divine sentence or decision; specifically : a calamity held to be sent by God
4) a : the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing
b : an opinion or estimate so formed
5) a : the capacity for judging : discernment
: the exercise of this capacity
6) : a proposition stating something believed or asserted

This is a touchy topic. No one really wants to be seen as judgemental… Unfortunately it is much more common to encounter people in your everyday life that are judging us to some extent. It seems sad to say that rarely do we come in contact with someone who is not judgemental (in some way or another).
There are so many hot buttons/topics out there that are attached to judging. I don’t want this discussion to become laden with, the legal system, schools or political views of the far left or far right way of thinking. I want to look at the human aspect of it. The personal aspect of judging. The judging of others (against your views) and the judging of self (against your views as well as the views of others).
This is a painful word. Why is it painful you may be asking? Is it not just a word? There are so many words that when written or spoken can stir up an enormous amount of pain. This word though…when used towards ones self can stunt growth. It can place roadblocks that need not be there. This word stems from fear.
Many times when the word is being used outwardly (internally upon other people) it happens out of fear, and jealousy. There is a root issue attached to the judgement…which inturn stems back to the judging of ones self.
Truthfully none of us is equip to judge someone else.
Let’s look inside the schools for a moment… and take a really basic example we have all had some experience with at one time or another (either as a participant or a witness) .
Someone within a group (of friends) judges the clothing or music or shoes of someone outside of their group, vocally in front of that person for others to hear (this is a very minor example just for discussion purposes, unfortunately situations like this are usually much worse).
Why do they do this? Who are they to judge someone else let alone their personal style? Their choice in music? Who are they to make them feel uncomfortable? What do they have to gain? In this scenario the actions seem pretty straight forward. Lets look at some of the obvious possibilities:
  1. They are picking on someone who appears different to make themselves feel superior.
  2. They wish they had the strength to be their own person.
  3. Their personal anger towards themselves for not having the courage to stand out pushes them to act out, the scenario they fear they would encounter.
  4. They do not feel free to express themselves and be their true self (so why should someone else)
  5. pick on… so you’re not picked on.

I think you get my point in regards to outward judgement.  It is usually an act of fear and jealousy (in an odd way). 

Let’s turn the table around and look at judgement from the dreaded, ever imposing, internal perspective.

JUDGEMENT…The hardest thing we are on ourselves!!  This is the word. the action. the thing that stops us the most besides fear (since they are so very related).

So many of us spend our lives judging ourselves.  Attempting to live by standards that were most likely set into motion by someone other than ourselves.  Ideals placed in our field by our parents and society.  I mean it really is the job of our parents, caregivers to help mold us into the people we are today.  We learn to live by the values of our loved ones.  I am not saying any of that is wrong!!!  Not at all!  Especially since the alternative would be solitude growing up, where we would never be able to choose a side or know right from wrong. 

What I am trying to do here is make you think about your values for a moment. 
Are they truly yours?  Do you believe them?  Do they feel in alignment with your current path…  How does it resonate within your current belief system?   

These are some short sentences that hold some pretty big questions.   I would suggest writing out your ideals, your values, basically the things that instantly come to your mind, that represent a good life, good person. 

Now…put a check mark next to the ones you would expect your friends to live up to.
Next, put a check mark next to the ones that you expect yourself to live up to.  

Now… look at this list. Does it seem complete… all the check marks where they need to be?  You may be thinking… where are you going with this?  Well, if you have two check marks next to each item on your list this is great.  Possibly you are in alignment.  Why do I say possibly???  Because we have a few of these lists… and the expectations with the items on the lists seem to change.   But it is a great check point to become more aware of your ideals, your values. 

The next thing to think about is what holds you back from doing something that does not affect your value system. 
let me give you some examples….

I would like to quit my job.  I don’t , because I am afraid that it would make me a quitter, a failure. 
NOW , If my friend were to say to me.  I really want to quit my job and do (blank).  I would counsel her to do what makes her happy.  That she would not be a quitter by moving in the direction her heart was pointing her.  I would ask her why she would consider herself a failure?  I would empower her to be who she was ment to be. 

I have decided to hold myself to a standard that I do not hold my friends at…why?  Why would we judge ourselves in a way we would never judge someone else? 

Here is another example:

I do not like to cry.  I hold my tears in.  When I start to cry, I get angry at myself and feel like I am weak.  I tell myself nothing good comes from crying.  Weak…weak… overly emotional…woman.  Float in head.  LOL!  Granted I know this is an issue and topic all on its own, but I digress… back to the example.  NOW, the scenario changes and a good friend comes to me with an issue.  They are crying…and they start to apologize for crying.  I stop them and tell them not to apologize.  They need to cry, release it. Feel it.  Let it out.  They say, I feel like such a baby though… I tell them that they are anything but.  All the while in my heart I feel so much love and compassion for this person.  I do not feel judgement… I do not look at them as weak…or overly emotional or as being “female”…NOT AT ALL.  Why is it easier to be accepting of this behavior with someone else but not in myself/ourself? 

Now these were just personal examples to try to make my point.  Each of us have different situations that they can possibly relate to.  Just as we each have different standards to which we attempt to live our lives.  Are these standards on your list?  Are these standards yours or expectations others placed upon you?  In the two situations above I have personally asked myself… do you think you are better than them? My answer is always no…I dont.  I just expect more from myself. 

I think part of it is judgement…and part of it is really knowing what we are personally capable of… we forget to be forgiving to ourselves.  We forget to hold our self in a compassionate stance.  

I know this became a truly long blog post… I am sorry.  I could go on…and on…and on, however… It all goes back to what I have been talking about in my last series of posts… We need to look within, learn who we are. 

Remember when doing any self work… we need to hold our space with  neutrality and amusement.  
Release expectations and let things flow.  The best advice I can give you is to give yourselves the advice, and understanding that we would give our dearest friend…our children. 

Love and light~

Are you in control of your emotions… or are your emotions in control of you?

Image from Visual Paradox

Image from Visual Paradox


I hear it…do you?
The pumping…thumping…pounding
beating rhythm of a heart…my heart.

Edgar Allen Poe is running through my thoughts right now…
He was always a favorite poet and story-teller of mine, when I was younger.  He seemed to be able to describe in such great detail the depth of pain a heart could cause or hold. 

Think about it…an organ, a magnificent body organ that works in harmony with our brain to keep us alive.
That is all it is right…an organ.
But is it? I am afraid not. Even though it is an organ, this beautiful construction has the capacity to make us feel,and hold emotions.  Some that are in the moment and many that no longer serve us.

Even a simple rhythm in a song can trigger and  recreates an emotional reaction…
a longing in the heart.  Just as the tempo shifts our thoughts and feelings begin to change as well.  We react  like the strings attached to a marionette. 

Are you in control of your emotions…or are your emotions in control of you?

What emotion do you lead with? In your daily life…your exchanges, are you leading with your heart?  What does this mean to you? Are you able to tell the difference between the two? Can you tell if you are leading or being lead? Do you see the potential difference?

I have fond myself at times in a an emotional circle… Where I have experienced something that left a very strong emotional reaction/impact on my heart… Instead of working through it and looking for the lesson…breaking down the experience, and removing judgment of self and others…I wallow. 

Let me say for a minute here that there is a great difference between , feeling an emotion, letting it run its course and wallowing. It is really important to feel the emotion and move through it. Coming out on the other side is important. If you don’t process it…it can become you. 

Leading with emotion is not always bad…as with pretty much anything I write about it is about balance.  I find it hard to fixate on a black and white type of answer or society.  everything happens for a reason and everything that needs to happen will.  It is how we come at things… what emotion or stance we hold going into a situation can give it a completely different outcome.  It all goes back to the fact that we have choices and lessons in this life time… how we get to our destination is determined by us.  Some choices and lessons will take faster than others and some will move slower.  How you get there is up to you.  We need to learn to look within ourselves and see what our motivation or agenda is at any given time. 

Some will say that they do not live from agenda and that they have reached the highest of vibrations… Great… I don’t necessarily believe that this happens very often.  This physical life of ours is full of twists and turns.  We live equally in ego and spirit… to do this we encounter the effects of both.  All I want for all of us is to open our minds and our hearts to our intentions.  Understand ourselves and why we chose left and not right.  Learn from our choices and our reactions.  Don’t just be a game piece in your life, live it, be an active participant of the internal life as well as your external. 

It is possible to coast through and let ourselves be led through the experiences in our current life time…but why?  Why wouldn’t we want to be an active participant in our choices?  Relish in the beauty of it, the joy…sure there is pain as well…but through the pain we always have the potential for growth.  Expansion…in awareness of who we are and who we were meant to be. 

So as we embark on this confusing spring season (yes confusing)  engage your heart and chose neutrality in most all your outward interactions.   Why do I say confusing?  I seem to be getting the message that each season this year holds a year of seasons within it.  Each primary season magnified by its matching season within it, but also having traits and mirroring all the other seasons as well.    2013 is proving to be very unique, fast and exciting all at the same time.  Again I compare it to a time warp… a worm hole in the universe, providing an express lane to the next lesson. 

The biggest reminder is to live from your heart, that incrediable organ holds the key to your continued growth.  This chakra has been preparing for a very long time to help take on the power needed to infuse the rest of your energy centers.  All you need to do is open it up, air it out, let the blood pump through and trust that this is the new direction for all. 

Hold on and enjoy the ride.  Happy spring.
